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Neuroscience and Therapy

Neuroplasticity: Simply put, the brain can change — it is not fixed. Instead, it responds to external environmental events and/or actions initiated by the individual. The old idea that the brain does not change is simply wrong. … a brain can rewire itself.” 2) Neurogenesis: Counseling can support the building of new neurons! One of the most startling findings is that completely new neurons can be generated in the learning process, even in older people.

The importance of attention and focus: Our basic concepts of attending behavior and attention — required for the learning process that is counseling —you as a positive resource. The microskill of attending behavior becomes ever more important. Meditation is an excellent treatment to facilitate focus and attention.

Clarifying our understanding of emotions: We think of the basic emotions as sad, mad, glad and fear. Disgust and surprise have been added. The amygdala is the major seat of the negative emotions of sad, mad and fear, but it is also an energizer for learning and absorbing new input and memories. Many areas of the brain are activated by positive emotions. Thinking and feeling positively are heavily influenced by executive cognition functions.

Focusing on wellness and the positives: When counselors focus on negative issues and problems, this builds a self-reinforcing circularity between the “demons” of the amygdala and the frontal cortex. The result? Negative thinking, accompanied by negative feeling, which is characteristic of depression. Pessimism feeds on itself. Research is clear, however, that an effective executive frontal cortex focusing on positives and strengths can overcome the negative.

Psychotherapy Services

We are here we provide psychotherapy services so you can meet your therapy goals

Individual Session

$ 125
per session
  • Telehealth Service

Couples Session

$ 125
per session
  • Telehealth Service

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